The first smile
27 August 2014 • بواسطة Triscom
The first smile of your baby is a very special moment. You might be curious when this will occur. Usually the first smile is between six and eight weeks. By this time a baby will be able to smile with their whole face instead of just with their mouth. But it’s possible that they show their first smile earlier or later on.
Every baby wants to communicate with their mommy and daddy. It wants to express its feelings and tries to imitate your facial expressions.
The first facial expressions already happen in the uterus. So before they are even born, they will already have had a lot of practice.
When your baby is calm and alert, it is a good time for you to encourage their smiling and communication with you. The best way to do this is to just talk, smile and interact with them.
Keep in mind that different babies have different triggers. Each baby has its own sense of humor. When one baby laughs because of a toy, the other one might only laugh because of a silly face. Just try what works best for your baby.